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The Inspire Series webinar

The Inspire

The iOCO Inspire Series aims to stimulate different ways of thinking about our future. Join Colin Iles, as he speaks to some of South Africa’s top thinkers - a diverse group of principled individuals about what purposeful leadership means for them and how to lead and inspire people during a recovery while balancing the needs of different stakeholders to minimise economic and social impact.

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Image by Jonathan Farber
Colin Iles host

Guest line up
Alex Bouaziz  | 
John Wentzel | Lawrence Diamond
Host: Colin Iles

The Inspire Series
The Inspire Series
The Inspire Series

The Story behind the IOCO Series

"Colin, can you work out a way to inspire all of our employees?"

This was the problem Stephen Van Coller, Group CEO of EOH asked me to solve back in 2019.


He’d raised the question because I’d run several exponential leadership workshops for him and he wanted to find a way to quickly promulgate this new style of thinking to his 8000+ employees. 


So, in partnership with Raksha Kassie, their awesome head of marketing, we developed the Inspire Series.

By offering all staff at EOH the opportunity to listen in to the conversations I was holding with thought-leaders from around the world, we hoped it would encourage them to get curious about changing their approach towards work.


The series was a success, with thousands of employees attending the sessions.  And when we polled them, 80% confirmed that they were actively exploring how to apply the session insights at work.

EOH then asked me to structure similar sessions for their clients (season 1) and then the wider business community (season 2 and season 3).


Season 4 is in the offing.....


We exist to Solve.


iOCO is more than a name, it signifies a new way of operating an ICT business. As a systems integrator, our strategy as iOCO will be driven by the integrated strength of our business units, for the benefit of our clients and partners.


In a world where rapidly changing technologies are altering the course of humanity, our purpose is what defines us. Our purpose, to Solve, evokes pride, integrity and innovation in everything we do moves us towards a sustainable and transformative future.


Inspired by digitally native internet organisations (iO) and creative organisations (CO) of the future, the essence of the iOCO brand is the coming together of a community of great people with the best technology to serve humanity.


Join us as we navigate your path to an exponential future. iOCO.







Irene Chebet Sang to Panelists:
"Thank you for the wonderful session! It has been eye opening for us who work with big banks."

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Find below excerpts from The Inspire Series

The Inspire Series
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